What's in each section.
Latest News.
This section contains the latest sport and organisational updates for the
2001 games as
well as recent sports results and a list of the recent changes to this site.
Here you will find details about the running of 2001 games and background information
for competitors coming to the games.
About the Games
This section deals with what are the games their history, who are members
and previous results.
The Sports
Within this section you will find details of the 15 sports be held during
the 2001 games.
This is an electronic version of the 'Update Briefings' produce by the 2001
Island Games Organising Committee.
The Isle of Man
Since the Isle of Man is playing host the 2001 games here you will find
background information about the Isle of Man.
Here you can sign our guestbook and leave a message for other visitors to read.