Co-ordinator Appointed
Bradshaw, Senior Physiotherapist at Nobles Hospital, Douglas, Isle
of Man was recently appointed Physiotherapy Co-ordinator for the
NatWest Island Games 2001. This role has not been undertaken by
ayone at previous games and hopefully this year's event wills et
a standard for games to come.
Ruth has had a wide experience of the Games, during which she has
undertaken several different roles within the Isle of Man team.
Her first games was in the Faroes, where Ruth was a competitor in
the Isle of Man Gymnastics team. While training for her physiotherapy
qualifications, Ruth supported the Isle of Man Swimming teams physiotherapist
in Gibraltar. As a qualified physiotherapist Ruth went to both Jersey
and Gotland.
For the first time in the Island Games the physiotherapy/sports
therapy support for each Island will be provided mostly by the host
Island. In total there will be a team of approximately fifteen therapists
at your service.
There will be an evening clinic at Nobles Hospital between 5.00pm
and 7.00pm. No appointment is required at this clinic and no charge
will be made for any competitor.
Ruth and her team hope that you all have a very successful games
and do not require their services, but if you do, you are all very
welcome and they look forward to being of assistance.